The original Asa Messer School is a beautiful 1890’s structure on Messer Street near the intersection with Union Avenue. According to the Providence Preservation Society (this building has been on their ‘Most Endangered Properties List’), the building dates from an era when the city of Providence built nearly fifty school buildings in a few decades. It is possibly the oldest school building in use in Rhode Island (well occasional use – its status is iffy).
The brickwork is thick; arches and corbels are plentiful. Especially impressive are the four great chimneys anchoring the structure. Hints of Romanesque style? Sadly, this building has been treated quite indifferently over the years, and it is laden with the remnants of half-hearted maintenance attempts. Its usage in recent years seems to have been somewhat itinerant, and since a newer building near the the intersection of Messer and Westminster Streets is named Asa Messer, the original structure is now a silent, hulking, and anonymous relic in the West End.